but can you please give me more information of any changes you did or give more insight and also share with us some picture or a video of the screen and tell us if you're doing full screen or windows mode. Also, I never heard of a Gamer Notebook before because the screen pack I made it for the PC Desktop and Laptop Computer. simply the best all-in-one Mugen editor around when it comes to creating or editing. My name is OldGamer, My goal is to bring back the Great Creation to once Infinity muge team still have of today. This screenpack uses IKEMENs shared slot feature to allow for infinite character slots. So I was wondering, is there a screenpack that fits these specifications - Holds 1000+ characters. The problem is i get prompted for saving my characters.

its been 14 long years that Infinity Mugen team still standing tall over those 14 years. EstebanSama wrote: It's great the screenpack, but on my gamer notebook it looks with two black stripes on the sides (aspect ratio 4:3 style) in general all ikemen look like that, does anyone know how to make it look with the screen extended to the sides, without those black stripes?Įstá genial el screenpack, pero en mi notebook gamer se ve con dos franjas negras a los lados (estilo aspect ratio 4:3) en general todos los ikemen se me ven asi ¿alguien sabe como hacerlo para que se vea con la pantalla extendida hacia los lados, sin esas franjas negras?I really want to thank you for taking the time telling me about your problem. This was made from the bottom of my heart, but also made for the Community of Infinity Mugen team.